Photo of the Strand Cafe, Dowerin
The Strand Cafe had been the Dowerin Co-op but the advent of Co-operative Bulk Handling in the 1930s changed the business side of the wheat industry. The Strand Cafe was an important part of the Dowerin main street in the late 1930s and was very busy on a Saturday night when farming families came to town.
Other items from Dowerin District Museum
- World War II identity card
- World War II identity card
- World War II clothing ration card.
- Clothing ration card for a child.
- Meat ration card 1948
- Clothing ration card for a child.
- Clothing ration card for 1948.
- Clothing ration card for 1947.
- Fuel ration card
- Dunn Medal given to the dux of the Dowerin School in 1919
- Not Forgotten, 206204 Sergeant Reginald James REID MM, 16 New Zealand Field Regiment, Korea
- Not Forgotten, WX1893 Private Angus Frank WINDSOR, 2/11 Battalion AIF, World War 2