Fuel ration card
At the start of World War II Australia had sufficient petrol in storage for only three months' consumption. Motorists were initially encouraged to reduce their fuel usage voluntarily, but this led to hoarding. So the government encouraged the use of gas producers, but these were relatively new and unknown. In Dowerin many people used gas producers on their vehicles, fueled by charcoal that was produced locally. They were reputedly very messy. Petrol rationing was introduced in Australia in late 1940 early 1941 but was not strictly enforced until 1942. The first ration tickets had a currency of 6 months, though later this was changed to 2 months to avoid forgeries and black market hoarding.
This petrol ration ticket was valid until 31 May 1941 so must have been issued early on in the scheme.
Other items from Dowerin District Museum
- Dunn Medal given to the dux of the Dowerin School in 1919
- Not Forgotten, 206204 Sergeant Reginald James REID MM, 16 New Zealand Field Regiment, Korea
- Not Forgotten, WX1893 Private Angus Frank WINDSOR, 2/11 Battalion AIF, World War 2
- Not Forgotten, 117114 Flying Officer Vernon Hopetoun SMITH, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, World War 2
- Not Forgotten, 427933 Flight Sergeant Geoffrey Goodhand PARKER, 104 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, World War 2
- Not Forgotten, WX15945 Driver Alick William HARRIS,139 General Transport Company, Australian Army Service Corps, World War 2
- Not Forgotten, WX932 Private Sydney Frederick GANGELL, 2/11 Infantry Battalion, World War 2
- Not Forgotten, 121945 Aircraftman Class 1 Philip ETHERTON, Royal Australian Air Force, World War 2
- Not Forgotten, 38423 Pilot Officer Peter Colin EDWARDS, Royal Australian Air Force, World War 2
- Not Forgotten, 3229 Private Arthur WERNDLY, 46 Battalion AIF, and 4090 Frederick Owen WERNDLY, 32 Battalion AIF, World War 1
- Not Forgotten, 64 Lieutenant Frank Eric THROSSELL, 10 Light Horse, World War 1