c. 1910

Architectural plans for the Newcastle Public Hall, mounted and framed.
Scale: 1 inch = 8 feet
Showing side elevation, longitudinal section, cross section and overhead plan of proposed extension to existing Council Chamber.
Hand drawn in ink and coloured pencil.
Wooden frame, crème matte.

Historical information

Commissioned to adjoin the existing municipal chambers (built 1899) and indicated at left as "Council Chambers".



Registration number
Item type
123.3000 cm
Height or length
69.5000 cm
2.5000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Handwritten notations include signatures by J. Somers, M. Lukin, Jas Meredith, A. James (Town Clerk) and the date July 2nd 1910.

Contextual Information

The foundation stone for this extension was laid in August 1910 by Catherine Somers, wife of Mayor Jonathan Somers, and the hall was officially opened on 7 October 1910 with a charity ball to raise funds for the local hospital.
The town officially changed its name from Newcastle to Toodyay in May 1910, so the new hall became known as the Toodyay Town Hall.
The building was renamed in 1957 after the auditorium was extended, a new stage was built, and an additional room added on to the back. This work was partly funded by the Toodyay RSL, a condition of which was the renaming to the Toodyay Memorial Hall

Place made
Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
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Public Hall Newcastle (WA) architectural plans

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