Battle Honour - "Damour", 1941


Colours are the symbol of the spirit of a regiment and carry battle honours and badges granted to the unit to mark deeds performed by its members. The Battle Honour “Damour” was awarded to the 2/16 Battalion AIF for participation in the operations to capture Damour in southern Lebanon during the invasion of Syria and Lebanon in 1941.

Historical information

The Battle of Damour was the final significant engagement of the Australian campaign in Syria and Lebanon during World War II. Damour, a large town on the Lebanese coast about 30 km south of Beirut, was strategically important due to the Wadi Damour, the last natural barrier before reaching Beirut.
The operation, led by Major General Arthur "Tubby" Allen of the 7th Australian Division, aimed to encircle the French forces in Damour. It began on the night of 5 July 1941, with Australian troops crossing the Damour River. By 6 July, the 21st Brigade had captured key positions, including El Atiqa and El Boum.
On 7 July, the Australians outflanked Damour from the east and cut off the road to Beirut by 8 July. Simultaneously, southern forces advanced along the coastal road. By 9 July, the Australians entered Damour as French forces withdrew.
The campaign concluded when the Vichy French commander, General Henri Dentz, sought an armistice on 8 July. A ceasefire took effect on 12 July, marking the end of the Syrian-Lebanese campaign.



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Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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damour map
An inscription cut into a cliff beside the railway linking Haifa and Tripoli. to record the capture of Damour by the Australians, and of Damascus by allied troops. The two soldiers are WX3695 Private GS Skipworth, Australian headquarters guard battalion (left), and Private JD Govan, Australian Railway Construction and Maintenance Group,. (negative by Hurley).

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