Battle Honour - "Sidon", 1941


Colours are the symbol of the spirit of a regiment and carry battle honours and badges granted to the unit to mark deeds performed by its members. The Battle Honour “The Litani” was awarded to the 2/16 Battalion AIF for participation in the operations to Sidon in western Lebanon during the invasion of Syria and Lebanon in 1941.

Historical information

In June 1941, the Australian 21st Brigade, advancing along the Lebanese coast, encountered the town of Sidon, with a population of 12,000. Initially, the Australians sought to negotiate with Sidon's Vichy French defenders to avoid damage to the historic town, but were met with artillery fire. On 13 June, the 2/16th Battalion was ordered to attack, with A and D Companies leading and C and B Companies in support. A Company made progress despite encountering machine guns and tanks, but became isolated and withdrew after failing to link up with other units. Meanwhile, D and B Companies faced a fierce assault by Vichy French tanks and infantry on Sidon's outskirts. With both commanders killed and ineffective anti-tank defenses, the companies were forced to scatter. Only the intervention of two 25-pounder artillery guns halted the tanks, allowing the infantry to escape. The battle, known as "Black Friday," saw heavy casualties for the 2/16th Battalion, with their headquarters and artillery positions also under attack by Vichy aircraft.

On 14 June, the 2/16th held positions south of Sidon and repelled a Vichy French attack with artillery. Meanwhile, the 2/27th Battalion unsuccessfully attacked Vichy forces in the nearby hills. By 15 June, patrols found that the Vichy French had withdrawn, allowing Australian troops to enter Sidon. The 2/16th Battalion briefly occupied the town before continuing their advance toward their original objectives.



Registration number
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Sidon Map
In the ruins of Crusader Castle in Sidon, Lebanon, 1941

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