Baseball WA > Records

Goldfields Baseball League - Toyota Tigers Team


A black and white photograph depicting 16 baseball players in their playing uniform. They are the Toyota Tigers Baseball Team c.1978-79, in the Western Australian Goldfields Baseball League.

Historical information

Team members are (L-R):
Back row - Peter Gilbert, Darryl Willis, Bill Nimmo, Brian Harvey, Jeff Oates, David Fraser, Jim Lawson, Stephen Grainger, Kevin Allen.
Front row - Des Toomey, Brenton Hudson, Don Cruickshank, John Smith, John Nouchy, Trevor Cruickshank, Murray Puckett.



Registration number
Item type
18 cm
Height or length
12.5000 cm
Contextual Information

This photograph was donated to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by team member Brian Harvey.

Place made
Statement of significance

The image is representative of a Western Australian country-based baseball team from the Goldfields region. It has historic and social significance as a record of images of past players and is well-provenanced.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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Goldfields Baseball League - Toyota Tigers Team
Goldfields Baseball League - Toyota Tigers Team.

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