Baseball WA > Records

1998 International Friendship Series — Australian Gold team


A colour photograph of the Australian Gold baseball team at the 1998 International Friendship Series. The team is wearing the Australian playing uniform of a yellow short-sleeved playing top. Some team members are also wearing a dark green undershirt. The word 'Australia' is printed in green on the front of the playing top. The pants are light grey, worn with dark coloured shoes and black socks. The baseball caps have a black crown and dark green visor. Embroidered on the front of the crown is a letter 'A' in yellow thread and a cartoonish kangaroo. Five embroidered stars surround the other symbols.

The photograph is mounted on yellow card with the name of the competition, the name of the team and the year date printed in black text above the photo. Below the photograph, printed in black text, are the names of the team players, coaches and officials.

Historical information

Team members were:
Back row: M. Davis, T. Brice, B. Dale, A. Fennell.
Middle row: J. Radalj (Executive Officer), M. Pettit (Pitching Coach), J. Ziersch, B. Baker, L. Tudor, M. Forbes, C. Bower, S. Barclay (Assistant Coach), P. Worboys (Head Coach).
Front row: S. Russell, A. Morrissey, W. Peters, S. Galpin, L. Burrows, B. Murray, W. Bradley, P. Dawes.



Registration number
Item type
30 cm
Height or length
21.5000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

'International Friendship Series 1998'
'Australian Gold'

[On baseball cap]

[On playing top]

Contextual Information

This photograph was donated to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by John Radalj who was the Executive Officer of the 1998 Australian Gold team.

Place made
Statement of significance

Of historic and social significance, this well-provenanced photograph records the names and images of young Australian baseballers.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Well provenanced
Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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1998 International Friendship Series — Australian Gold team
1998 International Friendship Series — Australian Gold team.

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