
Black and white oval image of a group of adults; mixed.
Group both standing and seated. Lawn bowls in foreground. Formal daytime dress; women in hats, gloves and stoles, men in three piece suites, ties, wing collars.
Building façade of the east side of the Toodyay Club, with corbels, centre piece curved stucco rendered brick with bullnose iron verandah roof. Toodyay Club verandah post with curved arches.
View to south side of Stirling Terrace, Toodyay. Norman's Store visible in the background. Shop sign [NORMAN/TOODYAY CASH DRAPER/IMPORTER OF/MILLINERY, DRESSES SHEETING/UNDERCLOTHING, CALICOS, BLANKETS]
Printed postcard, Kodak.



Registration number
Item type
13.7000 cm
Height or length
8.6000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Message on rear [The 'AT HOME' given by Mrs H W Clarkson on August 3rd 1912 at Toodyay Club E H T]

Contextual Information

Quoted from contemporary newspaper article:
1912 Aug. 3 "At Home.
Mr. H.W. Clarkson was recently elected president of the Toodyay Club, and in recognition of the honor, Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson last Saturday afternoon [3 August] at the club gave an "At 'Home" to the members and their wives and lady friends. The gathering - any kind of which may expected at this season of the year and which could have determined the function a failure-was perfect. The guests were received Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson in the reading room and from thence they passed to the green, around which seats had been arranged. Bowls were indulged in by a few of the Ladies but the gathering soon resolved itself into a conversazione.
A feature of the occasion was the afternoon tea, which for daintiness [daintiness] of array and delicacy was perfection. Such, we understand, were the creations of Mrs. Clarkson, who has thereby displayed uncommon ability in the more difficult branches of the culinary art. The beautiful roses in the floral decorations were supplied Mr. C. M. Lukin.
Amongst those present were Mesdames Hamersley, D. D. Clarkson, Kidson (Northam), T. J. Donegan, A.N. Piesse, B L Clarkson, E.G. Hasson, Geo. Donegan, Boxall, Somers, M. Lloyd, J. T. McDermott, J. Lloyd, Saunders, J Meredith, L.B. Lukin, J. Donegan senr., Woodman (Cottesloe), Gus. Butterley, C.J. Cook, J.H. Phillips, J.A. Wroth, Loader (Northam), Stowe, Green, Cowden. Misses Donegan, Wood, Davey, McDermott, Mena, Annie, and Amy Twine, Connie Cook, Margaret McDermott, B. Lloyd, Elsie Sinclair, Baille (Perth), Faser (Perth), Metford Perth), M'Cullagh (Perth), Irene Courthorp (Perth). Hon. V Hamersley M.L.C., Messrs. Geo, Donegan, J. Meredith, M. Lloyd, Jas. Johnson , D.D. Clarkson, O.L. de Mamiel, F. Atwell, A.B. and J.T. McDermott, W.A. Wroth, T.J. Donegan, A.C. Pole, Rev. Saunders, J. Loader (Northam), A.B. Kidson (Northam), J. Cowden, J. Boxall, J., Somers, W.E. Stowe, E.E. Twine, J.A. Butterley, L. Lukin, F. Green, C.M. Lukin.
During the afternoon a group photograph was taken by Mr. W.A. Hutchinson."
Biographical information:-
Mrs H.W. Clarkson is Emma Isabel Phillips (1882-1974), daughter of J.H. Phillips and Laura Ann Lukin, Emma married Harry Clarkson (1872-1925) in 1905.

Place made
Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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Toodyay Bowling Club group
Toodyay Bowling Club group
Toodyay Bowling Club group, reverse side of postcard

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