c. 1825 - 1850

The compass is set into a small wooden (likely walnut) box which is held together at the top by two (2) small circles of wire that act as hinges.
The top of the lid has the remains of paper with printed text adhered to it.
The bottom centre of lid has a small tack with a hook to hold box lid upright to form a right angle when open.
Bottom of the box has 'G Whitfield' printed in green ink.
The end of the bottom piece also has a tack and hook with a corresponding metal ring at the bottom of the top piece to hold it closed.
The inside top piece has a paper type clock face adherred to it. The diagram of the clock is in black, blue and cream. It has fancy borders with an oval in the centre with other markings. Starting from VI on the right around to VI on the left. Through the middle of the oval is a bar marked 5.6 down to 3.4 in .2 markings.
The inside bottom piece shows the same background as the top with a compass set in the centre. Surrounding the compass is a clock like face with three (3) rings of numbers. The inner circle is in roman numerals. The middle ring goes from 12 around to 8 at the bottom, then 4 around to 11 on the left hand side. The outer circle is the same as the middle only smaller. The lower right hand corner has a pin jutting out which fits a hole in the upper right hand side top to stop the lid from moving from side to side when closed.

Historical information

Formerly owned by George Whitfield of Knockdominie Homestead in the Toodyay district.



Registration number
Item type
4 cm
Height or length
7.2000 cm
1.2000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Around the bottom of the bar is 'Negelein at Nuremberg in Bavaria'.

Place made
Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Scientific or research significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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Compass and pocket sundial

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