Uniform Accoutrements - Infantry Red Sash


Shoulder sashes (sash, scarlet, polyester, worsted, webbing with tassels) are worn over the right shoulder by warrant officers and sergeants of infantry The sash is made of a heavily woven broad piece of red wool fabric. The end of the sash has a pair of tassels held together by woven band to form a decorative knot (sewn together).

Historical information

In the Australian army (whose regimental traditions are largely those of the British army) the red sash is worn by sergeants and warrant officers on ceremonial parades-the sash and it's colour came from it being used to drag wounded soldiers out of the battle line and to the rear in the times when battle was a close quarters fight.



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Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Sgt with sash

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