Medal - Order of the British Empire


The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry, comprising five classes of awards across both civil and military divisions. The levels of most relevance to Australians are:Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE); Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE); and Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE). The badge of the Order of the British Empire is a cross patonce. The badges of the CBE is of silver-gilt, with the arms of the cross enamelled in blue / grey. The badge of an O.B.E. is plain silver-gilt, with no enamel. The badge of an M.B.E. is of frosted silver. The badge of an O.B.E. and an M.B.E. is worn from a ribbon pinned to the breast or shoulder; that of a C.B.E. suspended from ribbon round the neck.

Historical information

The order was established on 4 June 1917 by King George V, who created the order to recognise 'such persons, male or female, as may have rendered or shall hereafter render important services to Our Empire'.
In 1975, the Labor government of Gough Whitlam introduced the Order of Australia to replace the British system of honours. After Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser took office late that year, the new Australian order survived, but British honours were also reinstituted alongside it. The last appointments of Australians to the Order of the British Empire took place in 1989, before British honours were finally discontinued both federally and at the State level in 1992.



Registration number
Inscriptions and markings

Since 9 March 1937 the riband of the order has been 'rose pink edged with pearl grey’ (with the addition of a vertical pearl grey stripe in the centre for awards in the military division).

Contextual Information

Multiple examples of these medals are retained as an ongoing memorial to the service and sacrifice of Western Australians.All medals are identified, archivally stored and those not on display are accessible and viewable with prior notice.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Neck Badge - Commander of the Order of the British Empire
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Member of the order of the British Empire

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