B11 Machinery Shed
Before the Museum was housed in the Old Butter Factory Precinct the Busselton Historical Society maintained the Museum in Prospect Villa, Pries Avenue. Whilst in Prospect Villa the Society built a large shed, around the corner in Peel Terrace, to store excess artefacts and large items. When the Museum moved to the Old Butter Factory Precinct there was a requirement for a shed to house machinery exhibits, so in 1975 the shed in Peel Terrace was demolished and the materials recycled into this shed.
The Machinery Shed was erected on the concrete pad which had been the Sunnywest merchandise floor. As well as the recycled Peel Terrace shed material, second hand State Electricity Commission poles, which had been located in the paddocks of “Cattle Chosen”, were utilised as uprights. It had been thought that these poles had been cut in half before being used in the 1975 construction but 2021 maintenance works, to counter subsidence, discovered that the poles were only slightly shorter than standard. Current thinking is that possibly only the section which had been in the ground was cut away before they were reused in the shed construction. The 2021 maintenance work required the poles to be shortened again so that they could be placed in iron stirrups which were then cemented into the ground.
Down pipes and gutters were a late addition in 2003 to further protect the large collection of early farming machinery and other exhibits from the elements.
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