Letter formed into an envelope from James Slaven


hand-written note on paper folded to form an envelope. Address to sender written on other side.

Historical information

James Slaven (or Slavin) (c1831-1916) was a former Private 34th Regt and a veteran of the Crimean War. Married c1859 in Killskarey Co., Tyrone Catherine Carrol. Arrived per Merchantman as an Enrolled Pensioner Guard on 15/02/1863 with wife and children, and was granted two blocks of land at Greenough.



Registration number
Item type
69 mm
Height or length
112 mm
1 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Inside - Champion Bay June 20
Please will you supply the bearer with flour tea & sugar meat & tobacco
your humble servant James Slaven
Outside -
Greenough Flats June 20 [crossed out]
For Mr Maley
Greenough Flats
20 June 65
Order Rations

Contextual Information

We have numerous notes from Slaven in the Maley Mill & Store Archives. This note shows the resourcefulness of people when paper was in short supply at Greenough.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
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Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Letter formed into an envelope from James Slaven
Letter formed into an envelope from James Slaven

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