Subiaco Museum > Records


c. 1897

This black and white photograph features a group of some of the first Sisters of St. John of God in Western Australia. Situated in a garden, the women are arranged in two rows, with the front row seated, all grouped around a statue of Christ.
The Sisters are all wearing long, dark and heavy habits, with only their faces and hands showing. They each have a large crucifix around their necks. They have been identified elsewhere as follows:
Back row: Sr. M. Ita Gleeson, Sr. M. Assumpta Hanlon (Hanly?), Sr. M. Ignatius Lynagh, Sr. M. Patrick Mullalley, Sr. M. Kevin Doyle, Sr. M. Martha Devlin, Sr. M. Joseph Codd.
Front row: Sr. M. John Gleeson, Sr. M. Cecilia Dunne, Sr. M. Antonio O'Brien, Sr. M. Patricia Baggott, Sr. M. Angela Brennan.
Handwritten on the reverse: 'St John of God, Subiaco. The first group of sisters to arrive from Ireland 1895'. Note: this appears to be incorrect, as some of the women pictured appear to have come in the second group of sisters to arrive the following year.

Historical information

The first Sisters of St John of God arrived in Western Australia in 1895. After initially working from premises in Adelaide Terrace, the sisters soon moved into Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie. A purpose built hospital was opened at Subiaco in April 1898. Today the hospital continues to operate from this site.
Note: Although the date of this photograph is unknown, it is believed to date between 1896, when the number of St. John of God sisters increased with a second arrival, and 1902, by which time one of the sisters pictured, Sister Mary Kevin Doyle, had died in Coolgardie. It is believed that this photograph may have been taken in Perth.



Registration number
Item type
297 mm
Height or length
218 mm
Statement of significance

This photograph is significant as it documents many of the Irish women who established the St John of God Hospital in Subiaco after 1895, a hospital which continues to operate today. As such, the image has high local, state and international significance.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Scientific or research significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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