WW2 Ration Cards

c. 1948 - 1949
Historical information

Australia introduced rationing regulations for food and clothing on 14 May 1942 to manage expected shortages and control consumption and inflation. It was hoped rationing would ensure the equitable distribution of food and clothing, curb spending leading to increased savings, which in turn could be invested in war loans.

Rationing is Australia was never as harsh as in Britain. It was enforced by the use of coupons and was limited to clothing, tea, sugar, butter, and meat but from time to time, eggs and milk were also rationed.



Registration number
Item type
Inscriptions and markings

Western Australia Motor Spirit Ration Ticket Series B Valid in all States One 1 Gallon
Western Australia Motor Spirit Ration Ticket Series B Valid in all States Two 2 Gallon
W.A. Motor Spirit Ration Ticket Commonwealth of Australia Valid Only Until 31st July 1949 Two 2 Gallons Not Transferable This ticket must be endorsed in ink by consumer with name, licence number and vehicle registration number.
If this card is found it must be returned at once to the Deputy Director of Rationing Perth
Commonwealth of Australia
1948 Meat Ration Card
W No. 224950
W No. 224880
W No. 224951

Contextual Information

These three meat ration cards were issued to the following Busselton residents

ER Harries
A Maidment
WM Harries

Place made
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Well provenanced
Busselton Historical Society

Busselton Historical Society

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Ration Card

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