WW2 Meat, Clothing, Tea & Butter Ration Cards


1948 Meat Ration Card No 217884 Issued to -, Busselton
1948 Clothing Ration Card No 217408 issued to D G Lord, Busselton
1948 Clothing Ration Card No 24034 Child under 6 years at 1st January, 1948 issued to M Lord, Busselton
1949 Tea and Butter Ration Card No 134849 issued to Mrs Elizabeth Clark, Acton Park, Busselton

Historical information

Australia introduced rationing regulations for food, petrol and clothing on 14 May 1942 to manage expected shortages. It was hoped rationing would ensure the equitable distribution of limited resources, curb spending which would lead to increased savings, which in turn could be invested in war loans.

Rationing in Australia was never as harsh as in Britain. It was enforced by the use of coupons and was limited to petrol, clothing, tea, sugar, butter, and meat but from time to time, eggs and milk were also rationed.



Registration number
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Contextual Information

DG (aka Geoff) Lord was the President of the Busselton Historical Society in 1975 and instrumental in establishing the Museum in the Old Butter Factory Museum.

The Lord family arrived in the Busselton area in 1922 as one of the original Group settlement families at Chapman Hill/ Walsall. The Group Settlement scheme was a Western Australian/ United Kingdom government migration scheme introduced in 1921, to provide a labour force to develop agricultural land in the South West region of Western Australia, reduce unemployment in the United Kingdom and reduce dependence on food imports from interstate. Members of the Lord family have been active community members in the Busselton region since they arrived in 1922.

Place made
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Busselton Historical Society

Busselton Historical Society

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