
Titled SAME - SAME ONLY DIFFERENT'' this sculpture is a series of three abstract figures of differing size, representing a small family group.
The figures are made of various deconstructed textiles and paper tissue, heavily free machine embroidered and dyed. Hand stitched detail to the figures is random straight and cross stitch. Dyed felted balls are stitched to he heads with french knots. Dyed guitar strings form embellishments.
Artist statement: 'Although we are all of one faily, there are subtle differences which make each one of us an individual.'
Description provided by Delys Brady on her work.
After much deliberation and mind changing I decided to make a series of three abstract figures representing a small family group.
There was not a lot of fabric in my bag as the garment was a very small pair of baby’s jeans which were unpicked and bleached along with any other fabrics included.
Using the unpicked fabric bag as a base, I snipped all the fabrics into small bits and sprinkled them over the base, covered it all with dress pattern tissue and free machined randomly all over. The resulting fabric was then dyed. I drew up patterns to fit within the size limits and made the dolls which were then heavily embroidered with colonial knots using hand spun thread which was dyed, and random straight and cross stitches. The alpaca was used to make dyed felted balls which were stitched to the heads with French knots. The dyed guitar strings form embellishments
The base is made from the magazine pages cut to size, glued and covered with pattern tissue with vinyl on the underside
The remaining alpaca and any other left overs were used as stuffing



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Delys Brady

Embroiderers' Guild of WA

Embroiderers' Guild of WA

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Embroidered sculpture
Embroidered sculpture
Embroidered sculpture
Embroidered sculpture

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