Baseball WA > Records

Baseball WA Gear Bag c.1985

c. 1985

A black vinyl baseball gear bag with yellow vinyl piping on the seams and top and side zips. Yellow vinyl reinforcing tabs are stitched to the sides of the bag where the black vinyl handles are attached with gold-coloured metal rings to rivetted plates. Printed on both sides of the bag is the yellow and black logo of Baseball WA c.1985. The logo consists of a black sylised swan with raised leg and wings and the letters 'WA' inside a large, solid yellow sphere. Above the sphere is the word 'Baseball' in yellow lettering.



Registration number
Item type
23 cm
Height or length
30 cm
48 cm
Inscriptions and markings


Contextual Information

This c.1985 Baseball WA gear bag was donated to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by John Radalj, who was Assistant Coach of the West Australian Junior Baseball League's 1985 Under 15 State team.

Place made
Statement of significance

This is a rare piece of Western Australian baseball sports gear from the 1980s. It is associated with junior baseball and comes with excellent provenance.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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2020.586 Baseball WA gear bag c.1985 (side)
Baseball WA gear bag c.1985 (side)
Baseball WA gear bag c.1985
Baseball WA gear bag c.1985 (end).
Baseball WA gear bag c.1985
Baseball WA gear bag c.1985 (underside).

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