Smith Brothers' House


The Smith Brothers' stone house, with, skillion roof, verandah on open land.

Historical information

The 3 Smith brothers farmed a large property of nearly 200 acres extending from Alfred Road and on both sides of the northern end of the Perth-Fremantle Road (See 1903 PWD map). They had an excellent vineyard, orchard and market garden and an area used as a cricket ground. Much of their land was flooded as Butlers Swamp rose. Walter Smith's home faced Alfred Road and in his latter years he grew flowers which he carried to Claremont in a basket and sold outside the Claremont Hotel. Another brother (could be Albert or Robert) known as "Honey Smith" because he sold honey from his bee hives, lived high on the western side of the swamp. The third brother, (Albert or Robert), lived at the southern end of the property towards Elliot Road. His home was flooded by the rising waters and it is said that he refused to leave although ducks swam down the hallway.



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Smith Brothers' House
Smith Brothers' House
Source: Claremont Museum 98.63

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