Journal of the Sheep Inspector for Champion Bay
1878card and cloth bound journal with marbled covers. Interior blank pages have been ruled into columns with handwritten entries in ink. The journal has weak bindings and some insect damage to pages.
Ledger kept by Joshua Mills, Inspector of Sheep for the Victoria District. Found in the attic of Maley's Store at Greenough. Possibly left there as Mills married John Maley's oldest daughter Hannah.
Contains in front of book 152 pages with weekly inspections with distance travelled, names of stock owners and sheep numbers in this region for period from 4/02/1878 to 31/12/1880. Names mentioned include L.C. Burges, J.S. Davis, T. Major, J.S. Maley, M. Morrissey, A. Pead, John Jones, etc. The next 8 pages are lined up, dated from 3/01/1881 to 5/02/1881 but without entries.
Rear of book - 3 pages listing requisitions for 1878, 1879, 1880, 1/2-year 1880, 1/2 year from 1/01/1881, 1/2 year from 30/06/1881, 17/03/1882 & 27/06/1882. Followed by 26 pages with 5 columns - Distanced travelled, Number of Flock visited, Name of Owner, Remarks & Place of Examination. Dated from Monday 28th March 1881 to Saturday 8th June 1881. Names mentioned include Henry Cook, John Mills, Thos Clarke, A. Brand, etc.
This journal provides a record of the sheep owners of the Midwest of Western Australia between 1878-1881, the number of sheep they owned, where they were herded, and the numbers of animals effected by sheep scab.
Scab in sheep was seen as a significant disease threat to the colony and a number of ordinances from 1866 were passed to try to restrict its spread and inspectors of sheep were appointed by the Government to document flocks and report breaches of the ordinances. This bound journal was written by Joshua Mills when was Inspector of Sheep in the Victoria Region. It contains information the number of sheep at each property in the Victoria region for the period 1878-1881.
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Other items from Greenough Museum and Gardens
- Cart License book & Maley family Ledger
- Unused Irwin Steam Mill docket book
- Auction account book
- Maley's Store Account book for Thomas Bishop
- Maley Store Account Book for John Gilmore
- J.T. Harradine's Meat Account book
- Maley's Store notebook
- Maley Mill & Store notebook
- The Geraldton Brewery Share Trading book
- Maley's Mill & Store receipt book
- Maley receipt book no.190214
- Greenough Flats Pigeon Club Ledger & Brasher's Diary
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