
A double sided piece of paper with a very high contrast image of a stringed instrument as a background. Starting from the title the page reds [Let the Music Speak] in a red cursive font. Beneath is [History House Museum / 3 May 2014, 6:30pm] in a centre block.

The first paragraph reads: [History House Museum has been lucky to have accomplished musician / David Hyams working with the museum's collection of musical / instruments and members of / the local community to create a series of / original songs.] The next paragraph reads: [Each song will highlight not only the amazing music talent we have in / the City of Armadale, but allow us for the first time in many years to hear / some of the museum's instruments being played. This project / would not have been possible without the support of the City of / Armadale and the Department of Culture and the Arts.]. The third and last paragraph reads: [So please, sit back and enjoy the following performances and please / clap, whistle, holler and cheer your appreciation, who said a / museum was somewhere you had to be quiet?].

The bottom of the page has the logo for the Department of Culture and the Arts on the bottom left hand side and the logo for the City of Armadale on the bottom right hand side.

On the other side of the page the title [Let the Music Speak] is repeated again in the same font. A list of the songs and musicians is introduced with: [For your enjoyment this evening:]. The list then starts in red and reads: [Every inch of track is a coin / Performed by Mark Peacock on guitar and vocals, snare drum and vocals by Meg Travers, accordion by / Cathie Travers and flute by Chris Horgan. Songwriter Mark Peacock / Pathways to Peace / Performed by Wendy Penton on guitar and vocals, mandolin by David Hyams, wood flute by Chris Horgan, / harpsichord by Cathie Travers. Songwriter Wendy Penton / Sweeney (traditional tune) / Performed by Chris Horgan on fife and flute with David Hyams on guitar / Breathe Into Life / Performed by Piers Smith on guitar, organ by Vince Domenico and mandolin by David Hyams. Songwriter Piers / 1849 / Performed by Kim Bettenay on guitar and vocals with Chris Horgan on flute. Songwriter Kim Bettenay / The Stolen Kiss / Performed by David Hyams on mandolin, wood flute by Chris Horgan, accordion by Cathie Travers and / guitar by Piers. Songwriter David Hayms. Looking for a Muse / Performed by Adam Man on guitar and vocals, banjo mandolin by David Hyams, flute by Chris Horgan. / snare drum by Meg and piano by Cathie Travers. Songwriter Adam Man / Old Mr T's Dormobile / Performed by Cathie Travers on accordion and David Hyams on guitar. / Night Train / Performed by Meg Travers and guitar and vocals, Mark Peacock on guitar, banjo mandolin by David / Hyams, flute/wistle by Chris Horgan, accordion by Cathie Travers, harp by Adam Man and vocals by Vince / Domenico Wendy Penton and Peirs Smith. Songwriter Meg Travers].

The bottom of the page contains a list of acknowledgements and the logos for the Department of Culture and the Arts and the City of Armadale.

Musicians signatures are on the page.

Historical information

In 2013 History House Museum applied for a Department of Culture and the Arts (now the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries) Connect grant. The aim of the grant was to fund a program that would hire a musician in residence to connect members of the community with the museums music collection.

The program consisted of song writing workshops and a performance at the end of the program on 3 5 2014. David Hyams was the musician in residence.

Local members of the public Piers, Megan, Mark, Vince, Wendy, and Adam joined in the first workshop and stayed until the end, playing in the concert.

During the program local professional musicians Chris Horgan, Kim Bettenay, and Cathie Travers lent their expertise. Either by helping the local members write their songs or by playing the museums instruments during the performance.



Registration number
Item type
210 mm
Height or length
300 mm
Statement of significance

'Let the Music Speak' was a concert arranged by History House Museum. Members of the local community were invited to work with a professional musician to create their own songs inspired by the museums music collection.

The program sheet has been signed by all of the performers on the night of the concert.

Primary significance criteria
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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