c. 1950 - 1959

A machine in the form of a rectangular metal box with a hinged door on one side and the other a chute for wood chips and dust to fall out off. To the above and right of the chute is the on/off switch. The hinged door allows access to the electric motor on the inside of the machine.

On top of the metal box base is an inverted 'V' shaped frame with the cutting spindle centrally located which spins via two belts between the motor and the spindle. Either side of the spindle are two flat plates that can be moved up or down by a threaded wheel to adjust the depth of the cut. One plate has a groove across it that holds a vertical plate that can be moved to change the angle of the cut.

A cutting guide has been installed on the top to allow more accurate cuts as well as provide a measure of safety.

Historical information

This machine was used in the furniture trade in the 1950s by Richard Wilson in his workshop located on Seventh Road Armadale. He was a local furniture and cabinet maker whose house was located next door to the workshop.

The property was purchased by John and Lynn Visser in sometime before 2000.



Registration number
673 mm
Height or length
1380 mm
1010 mm
Statement of significance

A wood planer used by local furniture maker Richard Wilson for use at his furniture workshop on Seventh Road in Armadale. The workshop was adjacent to his home.

The planer would later be acquired when the donors John and Lyn Visser purchased the house and adjacent workshop.

The machine is typical to those that made domestic furniture in the 1950s. It is one or two known pieces of machinery known to have been used my Richard.

Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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