c. 1902A black and white photograph of a two storey brick and tin roof building. There are four young women dressed in long white skirts and blouses and wearing hats, who are playing croquet on the lawn. There is an elderly woman and two men seated behind the young women and sitting in the shade of the house. It is a front left hand side photograph of the building. There is a windmill on the back left hand side of the photograph.
This maybe the first photograph of Kobeelya house. The Piesse family home built in 1902, croquet party on the side lawn. Frederick Henry Piesse and his family lived in this residence.
At the top left hand corner of the photograph handwritten in black texta is "Kobeelya".
On the back of the photograph handwritten in blue ink is "'Kobeelya' meaning Place of Rest. Built for Hon. F.H. Piesse in 1902".
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Copyright and Reference
Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.
Katanning Historical Society
Katanning Historical Society
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