
A group black & white photo of children & adults -(15) in all.
Centre to the photo, with a back drop of the south west archway of the Post Office. And a lady in period costume playing a piano accordian are 2 children - a boy & girl dancing a jig?
The girl is dressed in a long frock. A sleeveless smock and a frilled cap on her head. The boy in well fitting trousers, has on a long sleeve shirt and a cap covering longish locks.
Other children are in costume and clapping to the music.
Adults - 3 men & a woman are to the right of the photo.

Historical information

Practising for the second Moondyne Festival which was held on the weekend of August 24-25. The festival was sponsored by GWN Television (Golden West Network).



Registration number
Item type
21.5000 cm
Height or length
16.5000 cm
Contextual Information

Believed to have been taken as promotional material for the Toodyay Tourist Centre, who managed the festival at the time.
They are a similar type to the group of 51 photos taken at the festival a month later (2012.61a-ap) which are also assumed to have been produced for the same purpose. In 1998 the Toodyay Tourist Centre Inc. amalgamated with the Shire of Toodyay and its assets, including these photos, were transferred to the Shire.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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