
Glossy black and white of Pam Masters standing beside an old vehicle with her hand on the carriage lamp.
Vehicle has canvas drop sides.
There are 2 dummies, one male and 1 female, the female dummy is nursing 2 dolls.
Pam is wearing a T shirt with patterned scarf at neck.
She is wearing glasses with dark lenses.



Registration number
Item type
165 mm
Height or length
215 mm
Contextual Information

Believed to have been taken for the Toodyay Tourist Centre, which promoted activities and community events and provided photos for publicity purposes. Typically the photos produced during the 1980s were in black and white.
In 1998 the Toodyay Tourist Centre Inc. amalgamated with the Shire of Toodyay and its assets, including photos held, were transferred to the Shire.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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