
White rectangle paper with black, blue, grey, and red text. The receipt consists of printed black text, where deliberate gaps in the text have been filled in with handwritten text in blue pen or grey pencil. The text details that D.Lumming paid the Armadale Kelmscott Road District Board the sum of 1 pound and 8 shillings to hire the Armadale Hall for two functions for the Mundijong & Districts Caledonian Society.

The red text on the receipt is printed vertically slightly right of the centre of the receipt. [COLLECTOR'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / ONLY / Official receipt will be issued from Head / Office of the Road Board within fourteen / days, failing which prompts notice should be / sent to the Secretary or to the Local Govern- / ment Office, Public Works Department, Perth.]

The receipt is also crumpled bent, and the top edge of the paper is ripped.

Historical information

Receipt issued by the Armadale Kelmscott Road Board to the Mundijong and Districts Caledonian Society for the hiring of the Armadale Hall for a community event in January1959, most likely a Burns Dinner.



Registration number
Item type
178 mm
Height or length
118 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Receipt title blue pen and black text [Arm-Kelm Road District J No 46046]

Statement of significance

This document is part of a collection of objects and documentation relating to the Mundijong and Districts Caledonian

City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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