1880 - 1950

The fife is a hollow cylindrical tube in two sections, the shorter is capped by a cork and has a hole as the mouth piece. The longer has six finger holes and finger operated valves The fife has a band of silver plate on the mouth piece end while the one from the other end is missing.

Historical information

This instrument was played by Mrs Laura Dumsday at family and social events in the late 1800s in Victoria and later the Perth suburb of Claremont. In 1908 the family moved to Forrestdale where Laura continued to play the fife. The Dumsday were a music loving family, Laura's husband George loved to sing (only for family) and play the piccolo and two of their daughters, Lillian and Mabel were also accomplished piano players and singers.
The Dumsday family used music as a way to bring the small but growing Forrestdale community together in the early 1900s. In the 1910's a Christmas Fête was held by the lake where Mabel and possibly other members of the family would perform.



Registration number
286 mm
Height or length
38 mm
23 mm
Year End
Statement of significance

This object is part of a collection of items associated with a person or family who have played a significant role in the economic, community or social development of the City of Armadale. This can include holding key political or social positions within the community, being a key contributor or member of a community organisation, a strong contributor to improving the well-being of the local community, a prominent figure in a local business or industry, developer of new industries or activities or someone who grew up in the area and moved away and had a noteworthy career or life.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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'Sweeneys', performed by Chris Horgan (2014)

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