Rogers Bros Delivery Van
Open van with canvas on upper side. Rogers Bros Grocers signwriting below. Wire spoked wheels, metal running board onto which young girl is stepping. Picket fence, weatherboard shed and wooden steps in background. .
The Rogers' family association with grocery stores commenced with brothers Francis and Bert in a store in Boulder. Francis and another brother, Edward, took over the grocery shop on the corner of Claremont Avenue and Reserve Street Claremont in 1912. Claremont Avenue was the section of the Perth-Fremantle Road that passed through Claremont. The Perth-Fremantle Road was renamed Stirling Highway in 1932 after the first Governor of Western Australia, Admiral Sir James Stirling
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Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 91.110c'.
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Source: Claremont Museum 91.110c
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