MCLACHLAN, Lillian Dorothy (Dot)

This picture is titled D. McLachlan. This implies that she was preferred to be known by her second name, Dorothy, or Dot.
Another picture of Mrs McLachlan appears in an Item associated to this Person.

Related Records

Record Association Dates
D. MCLACHLAN - ASSOCIATES' PRESIDENT 1969 Picture of Dorothy, the Associate's President in 1969 1969
GOLF BALL USED ON WOMEN'S OPENING DAY 1969 This golf ball was used by Mrs McLachlan on Ladies Opening Day 1969 1969

Related Topics

Topic Association Dates
Foundation Members 1969
MGGC Ladies' Committee President 1969
Women's Plate Winner 1970
Women's Plate Winner 1971
MOYLAN, Joy Dot was Joy's mother
McLachlan, Lillian Dorothy
McLachlan, Lillian Dorothy
McLachlan, Lillian Dorothy. 2
McLachlan, Lillian Dorothy. 2