Friends of Donnelly Village Inc (FODV)
About organisation
The Friends of Donnelly Village Inc is an independent community not for profit organisation who have an interest in collecting, preserving and promoting the collection of historical data, social history and industrial archeology of the Bunning timber mill, adjoining townsite of Donnelly River Village also known as Wheatley and the Donnelly Forestry Settlement. This is one of the few remaining intact timber milling precincts located in the unique Karri forest setting of the southwest of Western Australia. The Mill and adjoining townsite were Heritage listed on the 1st June 2007.
The Friends of Donnelly Village as part of their on going commitment for present and future generations to have access to this rich cultural and historical information of the region and timber milling era of the early 1950's to late 1970's have;
- developed a local museum in the Donnelly River Village Primary School
- developed a village interactive trail
- documented and held displays and events.

Collection overview
All the following information in the main relate to the late 1940's - mid 1970's timber milling era.
- Donnelly River Mill Townsite - Conservation Plan
- Photographs of mill, village and forestry settlements, residents, workers & events
- Journals relating to Club & Primary School
- Non Fiction Books about mill, settlement, events and people
- Newspaper cuttings relating to mill, settlements, events & people
- Personal oral and video interviews and current events relating to the era
- DVD's; historical footage of timber milling, people, events
- Artefacts from the era; mill equipment, forestry equipment, school items, household items, social club, sports items
- Personal memoirs from mill workers, forestry workers, residents and school Headmaster and teacher
- Researched documentation relating to the mill, village, workers and residents, forestry workers and settlement
Donnelly River Mill Townsite also known as Wheatley Townsite or Donnelly River Village comprises of;
a large collection of 'Workers Cottages', Boarding House, General Store, Butcher's Shop, Hut (former Clinic), Donnelly Mill Club, Donnelly River Primary School and Loco Shed along with the Donnelly River Mill were permanently placed on the Register of Heritage Places on the 1st June 2007.
- Vignettes telling the personal stories about the life in the village, mill and forest during the heyday of the timber milling era.
- Historical videos of the Donnelly people, mill and village and from Tourism WA.
- Artefacts donated from ex residents and workers from the village & mill.
- Personal written Memoirs.
- Newspaper articles about the people and mill.
- Characters of Donnelly.
- Donnelly River Village history of; the village itself, its associated buildings, residents, events and activities during the timber milling era of late 1940's to mid 1970's.
- Donnelly Mill the history of; the mill and outer buildings, components of the mill, mill workers and train transport of the timber during the timber milling era of late
1940's to mid 1970's.
- Forestry Settlement history of; the buildings, residents and workers during the timber milling era of late 1940's to mid 1970's.
- Donnelly River Village
- Donnelly Mill
- Donnelly Forestry Settlement
Contact information
c/- Secretary FODV - 18A Venn Street
North Perth WA 6006
Visit information
Friends Of Donnelly Village Inc
Museum - Cnr Sears & Andrews Rds
located in Donnelly River Village
Donnelly River WA 6258
If museum is unattended a key may be obtained from the General Store with a $10.00 deposit refunded fully on return of key.
No entry fee payable. A donation would be greatly received to enable the volunteer committee to further their work.