Club at Donnelly River Village



Historical information

The Donnelly Mill Club was established in 1950 and is an example of workers providing for themselves. Mr Justice Jackson, president of the Arbitration Court, opened the Club building on 24 April 1951, the same day that the mill was officially opened.

Bunning Brothers constructed the Club building but the Club Committee had to repay the debt of £2,051.14s.3d less the cost of the timber (£557.11s.7p) which Bunnings donated. The debt was paid off in 1958.

The Club was the favoured venue and focal point of entertainment throughout the life of the mill with many events being held such as dances, send-offs, weddings, Naturalisation ceremonies, darts and billiards.

Unlike the majority of similar clubs at the time, women had equal membership rights as the men. Although women had equal membership rights, they were allowed only into the lounge and dance hall and could only mix with men on dance nights and functions such as darts competitions.



Registration number
Item type
Contextual Information

Factual record of the people and activities held at the village Club of Donnelly River during the operation of the Bunning owned timber mill of the 1950's until the mills closure on the 30th June 1978.

Place made
Donnelly River, Shire of Nannup, Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance

Authorisation to reproduce, public or display must be obtained from the Friends Of Donnelly Village Inc.

Attribution requirements

Acknowledgements to be made to Friends of Donnelly Village Inc.

Friends of Donnelly Village Inc (FODV)

Friends of Donnelly Village Inc (FODV)

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Club at Donnelly River Village
Donnelly River Club House

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