Katanning Motorcycle Club


A sepia picture on a postcard of eight men on motorcycles on a dirt road, a man standing between two motor cylces and a young boy at the end of the motor cycle line on the right hand side of the picture. The motor cycle at the end of the line has a side car on it. There is a parked car behind the motor cycles. To the left of the motocycles is a brick building, another building in which a sign is visible and silos in the background. he photo was taken in Clive Street showing power house, Piesse buildings and silos with a dirt road and power poles the riders are not named.

Historical information

The photo was taken in Clive Street, and shows the power house, Piesse buildings, silos and power poles along the side of the road.



Registration number
Item type
9 cm
Height or length
14 cm
Inscriptions and markings

The licence plate of the motor vehicle behind the motorcycles is 'KA.36'
The sign on the side of the middle building is 'F & C PIESSE ELDER SMITH & CO LTD'
On the back of the postcard is written in type 'POST CARD CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS ONLY' and in the top left corner is a square with the word 'KODAK' top and bottom and 'AUSTRALIA' for the sides, this square marks the spot for the stamp

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Motorcycles on Clive Street
Motorcycles on Clive Street
Back of card of Motorcycles on Clive Street
Back of card of Motorcycles on Clive Street

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