Katanning Flour Mill


A sepia photograph of a yard in which men are loading wheat bags on top of a stack using an conveyor belt. Once the bags on are on top of the stack, then men are manually moving the bags to the appropriate spot on the stack.. There are wooden pallets in front of the stack and to the left. Behind the wheat stack is a shed and behind the shed are four tower silos and another tower silo is visible behind these silos. Along the tower silos is a access structure that extends from the ground to above the tower silos.

Historical information

The wheat stack and silos at the Katanning Flour Mill.



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Item type
3 cm
Height or length
2 cm
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Historic significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative

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Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Wheat stack and silos at Katanning Flour Mill
Wheat stack and silos at Katanning Flour Mill

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