Baseball WA > Records

Baseball player collector's card - Graeme Lloyd


Rectangular baseball player collector's card featuring Australian pitcher Graeme Lloyd, pitching for the American Major League Baseball 'Brewers' team. A photograph of Lloyd on the front of the card and his statistics, pitching record and photograph on the back of the card.



Registration number
Item type
6.4000 cm
Height or length
8.9000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Front of the card includes the word 'topps', 'Graeme Lloyd', 'Brewers' and 'P'. Back of the card includes 'topps rookie card', '187', 'Graeme Lloyd', as well as Lloyd's statistics and major and minor league pitching record. Also 'Copyright 1994 The Topps Company, Inc.' and 'Licensed by MLB & MLBPA, 1994'.

Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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Graeme Lloyd baseball player's card - front
Graeme Lloyd baseball player's card - front
Graeme Lloyd baseball player's card - back
Graeme Lloyd baseball player's card - back

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