Town Hall, Katanning

c. 1889

A black and white picture of a building which appears to have built at different times. The front flat roofed square building has Flemish brick work. The door is open, above the door is a metal coach style lamp and there are two windows either side of the entrance. On the right hand side of the building is another window. Along the top is a frieze which has the words 'Reading Room Hall Library'. Above the entrance and on the frieze is a unknown man's face. At the back of this front building in either corner are two chimneys. On the front of the building next to the entrance is what appears to be a noticeboard. Behind this front building is the second building which has an 'A' frame roof and it is also made of brick and there are four windows on the right hand side. The road in front of the buildings is dirt.

Historical information


Registration number
Item type
12 cm
Height or length
9 cm
Inscriptions and markings

At the bottom left of the postcard is 'Town Hall Katanning, W. Australia'
On the back of the postcard on the left hand side is written 'W.j. Rogers, General Merchant. Katanning, W. Australia'
On the back of the postcard along the top is written 'POST CARD The Address to be written on this side. Write Here Inland only.'
On the back of the postcard at the top right hand corner is space for a stamp to be affixed and the words 'Printed in Saxony'

Statement of significance

This building was the first public building in Katanning. It is situated in Austral Terrace, and in 2001 it was the Katanning Town Hall and Telecentre.

Public Location

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Town Hall, Katanning
Town Hall, Katanning
Back of postcard of Town Hall, Katanning
Back of postcard of Town Hall, Katanning

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