
B&w photo of a sepia photo attached to a material-covered board (event unknown).
Shows a dark horse with its mouth held open by a Hausmann's Gag (for rasping teeth).
Four men are in military uniform.
Man on right is holding horse by the ear and halter.
Another man has one hand on horse's muzzle and one in its mouth.
Another man is behind the horse holding the halter.
Another man is on the left of the photo.
Trees behind.
Original photo is stained, one corner is creased.



Registration number
Item type
10.1000 cm
Height or length
14.8000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Kodak Premium Processing Jan. 1999

Contextual Information

Reproduction form (ie a photo of a photo on a cream fabric background) is the same as the following photos also in the Shire of Toodyay's museum collection (acc no.s 2001.998 & 200.1000 ) , indicating a common donor. The other photos feature Malcolm (Mac) Feguson and so it could be assumed this photo also has the same association.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

Organisation Details
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