Fremantle : the gateway of the Golden West and front door of the Commonwealth.
19291 volume (101 pages : illustrations).
Document begins: "The succession of events that may be said to constitute a modest history of the Port of Fremantle have not been without their romantic interludes. Little incidents though they may be, they live in the memory of the oldest pioneers, and are recounted to the later arrival with evident pride. Volumes could be filled with the narratives of our oldest residents, but in this retrospect it is only proposed to touch on the more important points in the story of the growth and progress of the Port."
Curtin University Library
Curtin University Library
Other items from Curtin University Library
- Ethel Creek Station
- Elephant grass, Three Rivers Station.
- Giant ant hills, East Kimberley
- Marble Bar
- Chinatown, Broome
- Asbestos mine, Lionel.
- Port Hedland from the jetty
- Duke and Duchess of York [Alex and Bessie McCallum in official party] at Fremantle docks, May 1927.
- Mollie and Bessie McCallum.
- McCallum family home front lawn, 47 Wray Avenue, Fremantle.
- McCallum family home, 47 Wray Avenue, Fremantle.
- McCallum family home back garden, 47 Wray Avenue, Fremantle.

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