The State's Phenomenal Progress : 26th annual Western Australian Dinner, London - proceedings, 1 June 1928.
19281 volume (8 pages : photographs).
Contents: The Hon. Sir Francis Newdegate, G.C.M.G. -- A Wonderful Country -- Millions of Acres Awaiting Settlement -- Big Securities against Loan Liabilities -- Commonwealth Loan Agreement -- Enormous Gold Resources -- New Land being Opened Up -- Migration Difficulties -- The Wealth of the People -- Income Tax Reduced 50 Per Cent. -- Imports 76 Per Cent. British -- The Guests.
"Printed by The Cable Printing and Publishing o., Ltd., 7, 9 and 11 Theobalds Road, London, W.C.1. for the Proprietors, The British Australasian (1910), Ltd."
"The Twenty-Sixth Western Australian Dinner, held at the Trocadero, on Friday, June 1, 1928."
Curtin University Library
Curtin University Library
Other items from Curtin University Library
- Ethel Creek Station
- Elephant grass, Three Rivers Station.
- Giant ant hills, East Kimberley
- Marble Bar
- Chinatown, Broome
- Asbestos mine, Lionel.
- Port Hedland from the jetty
- Duke and Duchess of York [Alex and Bessie McCallum in official party] at Fremantle docks, May 1927.
- Mollie and Bessie McCallum.
- McCallum family home front lawn, 47 Wray Avenue, Fremantle.
- McCallum family home, 47 Wray Avenue, Fremantle.

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