
A landscape print of a painting of a man helping another on a donkey. The picture has a light blue border. [George BensonThe man with the donkey] is written at the lower left-hand side of the border and [Australian War Memorial (143)] at the lower right-hand side.

There is a gold-coloured plaque centralised on the lower edge which reads [PRESENTED BY / THE RETURNED SERVICES LEAGUE ARMADALE SUB-BRANCH / TO COMMEMORATE THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF GALLIPOLI / _ ANZAC DAY 1990 _].

Has number 3 written on the back.

Historical information

The now Returned & Services League (R.S.L.) was initially called the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia (R.S.S.I.L.A.). It was formed nationally by World War 1 veterans in 1916 to provide support for veterans returned from military service. By 1919 or 1920 a sub-branch was formed in Armadale.
In 1990 the Armadale branch of the R.S.L donated a series of prints of paintings from the 1915 ANZAC campaign to the City of Armadale to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing.
The object is a print of a painting of The Man with the Donkey by George Benson. Benson would join the Australian Military Force as a part of the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade. In 1919 Benson was commissioned as a war artist during which time he worked on this painting.

The subject is of Simpson and his donkey. Simpson was a stretcher bearer at the battles of Galliopi and has become an iconic figure in Australian culture. Stories of Simpson's bravery of retrieving wounded under heavy fire using a donkey to carry the wounded earned admiration of troops and the Australian public.



Registration number
Item type
270 mm
Height or length
320 mm
Comparative significance criteria
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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