Railway Crossing at Intersection of Clive Street and Austral Terrace

c. 1903

A sepia photograph of a railway crossing with railway wagons in the foreground, horses tied to a fence in the background, three buildings down the left hand side of the street and two buildings down the right hand side of the street. There are small trees planted on the right hand side of the street. In the foreground of the picture can be seen railway tracks coming in to the main railway tracks, and on the right a machine to lift goods onto wagons. This appears to be a manually operated machine. The trees in front of and behind the horses appear to be dead. Further in the background can be seen rows of trees or vineyards and a two storey house.

Historical information

Clive street is the street which runs perpendicular to the railway line, Austral Terrace is the street which runs parallel to the railway line.



Registration number
Item type
25 cm
Height or length
17.5000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

On the second building on the right hand side of the photograph can be seen "W.J. Rogers"

Statement of significance

This photograph shows the railway line from the Katanning Flour mill that was used to transport wagons of flour from the mill to railway wagons which would transport the flour to other parts of the state. It also shows the early buildings along the main street of Katanning, namely W.J. Rogers who owned and operated his business 'W.J. Rogers' and Kobeelya which was built by Frederick Henry Piesse.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance

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Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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