MDRCU Handicap Ledger
c. 1953Bound Ledger
Bound ledger kept by Metropolitan District Rifle Clubs Union (Association) of handicaps of shooters 16/4/53 to 1955
Unique data source of shooters in the Association
West Australian Rifle Association
West Australian Rifle Association
Other items from West Australian Rifle Association
- MDRCU Teams Record Book 1950s
- MDRCU Range Shooting Scores 1956-7
- Scrapbook
- Goomalling Rifle Club John Cummings Memorial Shield
- King George IV Whiskey Shield
- Hackett Shield
- South Perth Rifle Club members
- Parker Hale Scorebook
- Kevin King Team Jacket
- WARA Veteran’s State Team Jacket
- WARA Veteran’s State Team Jacket
- Tom Prosser's jacket

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