
Rectangle paper folded in half vertically. Front panel has black text and an illustrated logo inside a box boarder. Logo is at the top and is of a shield with a crown sitting at the top. On the face of the shield are two figures in uniform. Written around the two figures on a black background in white text [RETURNED SAILORS & SOLDIERS / IMPERIAL LEAGUE]. Under the circle on a black illustrated ribbon banner is the text [AUSTRALIA]. Program title text under the logo [KELMSCOTT / Sub=Branch R.S.L. / In Memoriam / Service / IN / KELMSCOTT PUBLIC / HALL GROUNDS / ON / ANZAC SUNDAY / April 24, 1921, at 4 p.m. / Oder of Service.] At the bottom is information about the hymn that will be sung, [Through the night of doubt / and sorrow.] and the hymn lyrics.
The inside panels include the rest of the lyrics to the first hymn as well as the service order and the lyrics to
the hymns [Abide with me.] and [Nearer, my God, to Thee.]
The back panel has the rest of the order of service and the lyrics to the final hymn [The day Thou gavest, Lord, is / ended.]

Historical information

Early ANZAC Day services held in the Kelmscott Public Hall on the 24th of April 1921. Held one day prior to the districts main ANZAC day ceremony in Armadale the following day. 25 veterans attended in uniform along with locals from Kelmscott, Roleystone and Karragullen. The president and vice president of the Armadale RSL also attended. The service was conducted by Reverend Smith and Reverend J.A. Howes (Rector for Armadale and Kelmscott). At the service the British War Medal was presented by Lt D.G Scott to 12 members of the Returned Soldiers League and the last post was played by Mr. J Pound.



Registration number
Item type
190 mm
Height or length
220 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Program title [KELMSCOTT / Sub=Branch R.S.L. / In Memoriam / Service / IN / KELMSCOTT PUBLIC / HALL GROUNDS / ON / ANZAC SUNDAY / April 24, 1921, at 4 p.m. / Oder of Service.]

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
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Rare or representative
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City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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Paper program, portrait orientation, vertical fold crease down middle, black printed text on front and back
Front and back pages of the 1921 Kelmsoctt ANZAC service
Paper program, inside pages, portrait orientation with vertical fold, black printed text inside rectangle box boarders on both sides
inside pages of the 1921 R.S.L Kelmscott branch ANZAC service

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