Letter from James SCOTT to son Pte. Albert SCOTT 892 notifying of his brother death; Pte. David SCOTT 613


Two page letter, dated 12/06/1915 written by James SCOTT to his son Pte. Albert George SCOTT notifying him of his brothers death Pte. David SCOTT.



Registration number
Item type
201 mm
Height or length
251 mm
2 g
Inscriptions and markings

“Burrekupp / Collie Bridge 12/6/15 / My Dear boy / We have been waiting / patiently for a letter from you, and expect to / receive one be the next mail, which arrives in / day or two. We have had very sad news / about poor Dave, our dear brave boy was / killed in action, at the Darddanelles. Oh it is / very hard to hear, we can’t realize that it is / mistake. Your mother feels it very much, it is / pitifull [to] see her. Also poor Ada & Essie, and Jack / they also feel it, we have had a lot of / sympathic letters abd telegrams from friends all over the country / the poor boy was so well know, and liked by everyone. / I would give my own life, to have you both home / here again it is dreadfull the ammount of suffering / that men in high places have brought to the people / but God will deal rightly, and Justice will prevail / in the end. We are convinced of the righteouness / of the cause for which you and your dear brother are / fighting for, and feel that you are doing God’s work / in trying to defeat the selfish and Devilish work / of the Germans and Turks. My Dear boy be a man / trust in God do what is right. Do your duty to your / King and country take every care of yourself consistant with / your duty. For your mother sake and myself I ask this from you /and hope it will not be long untill this / dreadfull war with its horrors is over, if you can / get any information at Cairo about Dave, hoe he / died or any thing about his last days or hours, we / will be thankful for them. Every one that knows / you is enquiring for you and wishing you well / everybody is filled with admiration at the part the / Australians have taken and especially the 16th, there / can’t be many of them left at the front. We are all / grieved at their losses. / I am still on the Collie bridge expect to / finish about the end of the month. Mr Driver / is always asking about you. George Rossetter / is up a blackboy hill. I hear that Errick Duce / is enlisting now that he has come of age. They are / still calling for recruits, and the shirkers / will soon appear very prominent indeed. / Well we are as well as it is possable to be under / the circumstances. Hoping you are well, and God / bless you, and keep you, my boy, and bring you home / safe and sound to us again, is the prayer of your / poor anxious mother, and father, sisters and brother. / Martin Christensen has just come in and wishes to be / remembered to you, / Your loving Father /James Scott” written in ink.

Contextual Information

Upon advice that his son, David SCOTT had been killed in action at Gallipoli, James SCOTT wrote to his other son Albert George SCOTT to advise him of David’s death.

Place made
Collie Bridge, Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Scientific or research significance
Social or spiritual significance
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Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Google Maps search term / URL
Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

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Letter From James SCOTT to his son, Pte. Albert SCOTT, 892, notifying of his brothers death
Letter From James SCOTT to his son, Pte. Albert SCOTT, 892, notifying of his brother's death.
Letter From James SCOTT to his son, Pte. Albert SCOTT, 892, notifying of his brother's death.
Letter From James SCOTT to his son, Pte. Albert SCOTT, 892, notifying of his brother's death.

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