Letter from Pte. David SCOTT 613 to his Mother dated 08/02/1915
1915Letter from Private David SCOTT 613 to his mother dated 08/02/1915 and written on “The Cairo Young Men’s Christian Association with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Zeitoun Camp, Egypt”, paper. One page, divided in two and written on both sides.
“The Cairo Young Men’s Christian Association / WITH THE / New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Zeitoun Camp, Egypt” letterhead printed with “Address / Pte. D. Scott / B Coy of 16th Batt / 4 Bdg / A.I.F. / Egypt / Heliopolis / Egypt / 8/2/15” and “Dear Mother / No doubt will be / surprised at not receiving a letter / from me before, well I have / wrote several (PC) & a letter [sic] / & suppose you have got them by / this, I have not received a letter / from you since we left Victoria. / Every mail I look for one, we had / splendid trip, never a rough / day the whole way. Aden was / our first port of call we lay / there three days, but they would / not have us land, we had a / quiet trip up the canal / going to be easily beaten / & you may depend on the / Colonial troops to hold the / canal. Well we are camped / about four or five miles / from Cairo, we going to / settle down to work / now, hard training long / marches on the desert, drill / from morning till night / day after day till we are / fit to go into the firing line. / I have be into Cairo [sic] / It is the dirtiest city I have / ever seen, it is full of disease / of sorts, there are a great many / places of interest in Egypt / to be seen, I went out yesterday / to the Pyramids, but did / see. We reached Port Suez / early in the morning, It was there / that we first that the turks were / preparing for an attack on the / canal in fact the patrols had / come to blows with & killed some / of them, It took us two days / to get through the canal / since we have to come through / the canal there has be / some fairly sharp / fighting. We may have to / go to the canal before long / to fight, But the first coaling into have the first call, well / if we have to go the sooner / the better, it will suit me / right down to the ground. Now don’t worry, they are / have time to go through them But next time / will go through them, It / is a very pretty train ride / down or up the ride it is / green for miles, but as soon / as you get away from / the irrigation area it is / nothing but barren sand. / I suppose Geroge will soon / be on the way here, will / there is plenty of work / to done in Europe when / when the war is over. / I hope this letter will find / you well as leave me at / present, I will close with / to all from your loving / Son / xxxx David Scott”
This letter was written by Private David SCOTT to his mother, dated 8/2/1915 when he was stationed in Egypt. He spoke of what his days entailed and that he thought his brother ‘George’ would soon be on his way to war also. David was killed in action at Gallipoli on the 28/04/1915, aged 25 years.
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Other items from Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum
- Letter from James SCOTT to son Pte. Albert SCOTT 892 notifying of his brother death; Pte. David SCOTT 613
- Black & White Photograph of Albert George SCOTT 892 10th Light Horse Regiment
- Black & White Photographic Postcard of Pte Albert George SCOTT 892 10th Light Horse on Horseback
- Black & White Photograph Postcard of Pte. Albert George SCOTT, William SLADE and Fred Alan SCOTT
- Black & White Photograph of Pte. David SCOTT 613 16th Battalion
- First World War Round Metal Identity Disc of Albert George SCOTT 892 10th Light Horse Regiment
- Black & White Photograph Postcard of Pte. David SCOTT 613 to his brother Pte. Albert George SCOTT 892
- Silver War Badge as issued to Private Albert George SCOTT 892 10th Light Horse Regiment
- First World War Bronze “Returned From Active Service” Lapel Pin as issued to Private Albert George SCOTT 892
- Enamel ‘RSL’ Lapel Badge with “40” Clasp as issued to Pte. Albert George SCOTT 892
- Small Enamel ‘RSL’ Lapel Badge no. “Z3196” as issued to Pte. Albert George SCOTT 892
- “Ever Ready – Blackboy Hill Camp Western Australia – Lest We Forget” Lapel Pin

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