Black & White Photograph Postcard of Pte. David SCOTT 613 to his brother Pte. Albert George SCOTT 892

c. 1915

Black & white photographic postcard of Pte. David SCOTT 613 to his brother Pte. Albert George SCOTT 892. David referred to his brother as 'George'.



Registration number
Item type
87 mm
Height or length
137 mm
4 g
Inscriptions and markings

On rear "POST CARD / CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS ONLY / KODAK / AUSTRALIA / KODAK / AUSTRALIA" with handwritten message in pencil “Dear George / Just a few lines to say / goodbye. If anything happens to / me, when you come after fill my place / & strike hard, as I intend to do. If I go / under I go in the best spirits, so goodbye / Dear brother remember old times. Your loving / brother D. Scott”

Contextual Information

Black & white photograph postcard that Pte. David SCOTT 613 sent to his brother Pte. George SCOTT 892, both serving in the first World War. David was killed in action at Gallipoli on the 28/04/1915.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Scientific or research significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
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Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

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Black & White Photograph postcard of Pte. David SCOTT, 613 to his Brother Pte. Albert George SCOTT 892
Black & White Photograph postcard of Pte. David SCOTT, 613 to his Brother Pte. Albert George SCOTT 892
Rear View
Rear View of Postcard

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