c. 1996

Plastic case with clear cover and black spine. Inserted into the front is a cardboard cover. The cover is black with a red circle in the middle. Inside the circle is a solid black side profile of a walking elephant with trunk raised. elephant is walking on a black line. Yellow text across top, under the line in the red circle and along the bottom edge under the circle. Text includes record title [Jabula! / Live in / Concert / The New I Voci Singers Directed by John Christmass / Music from the Renaissance to the 20th Century]. On the inside of the card is the list of songs being performed. The songs are divided into fire themes Folk Songs, Motets, Spiritual, Contemplative and Three American Lyrics.
On the back is a yellow card with black text in two columns listing the performers in the choir. Top line [THE NEW I VOCI SINGERS:] Left column [Sopranos: / Celia Christmass / Rachelle Durkin / Eva Dobozy / Taryn Fiebig / Aroha Greenwood / Altos: / Kerryn Atkinson / Jo Christmass / Ngaire Greenwood / Mandy Groom / Tenors: / Rowcliffe Browne / Stephen Bennet / Basses: / Neville Burt / Kaeng Chan] Right column [Laurene Harper / Sarah Healey / Margaret Johnston / Veronique Nicholl / / Lisa Harris / Beverley Nelson / Lisa Wallace / / Ross Mackenzie / James Yammanee / Laurence Le Page / Neville Talbot]. Along the bottom edge are four lines about the choir [ACCOMPANIST: Patricia Healey / MUSICAL DIRECTOR: John Christmass / In 1996 The New I Voci Singers developed from the original I Voci, a chamber choir founded 19 years ago by Director John Christmass.]. Under this is the CD manufacturing information. Inside the CD cover on the back panel is a black plastic insert with a circular indentation. In the middle of the indentation is a raised circular clip made up of small raised teeth that the CD clips onto. In the top right and bottom left corner moulded text [COMPACT / disc / DIGITAL AUDIO]

Historical information

This CD was purchased by Patricia Walker in c1996. The album, titled Jabula is a live recording of a performance by the New I Voci Singers of music from the Renaissance to the 20th Century, directed by John Christmass. John founded the original chamber choir in 1977 when he was running a special music program at Perth Modern school. in 1985 John retired from the Education Department but continued to work in the music field. In 1996 he formed the New I Voci Singers, many of whom were former music students of his from Perth Modern. This album is a recording of a convert they held in c1996. The choir also did several European tours.
John and his family moved to Kelmscott in the 1970s and lived near Patricia Walker. John's wife Sally worked at the Kelmscott Primary School as a music teacher and Patricia's children attended the school and were part of the school choir.



Registration number
10 mm
Height or length
143 mm
Inscriptions and markings

On back of CD [Printing & Design by Exact Images: 495 4204]

Statement of significance

This object is part of a collection of items associated with a person or family who have played a significant role in the economic, community or social development of the City of Armadale. This can include holding key political or social positions within the community, being a key contributor or member of a community organisation, a strong contributor to improving the well-being of the local community, a prominent figure in a local business or industry, developer of new industries or activities or someone who grew up in the area and moved away and had a noteworthy career or life.

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