1981Two General Meetings were held in 1981.
The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting on 24th February included:
- Discussion regarding management reports (see Annual Report 1980 for actual reports)
- Election of Vice Captain and Auditors
- Various General Business including new bunkers on course
The proceedings of the General Meeting on 3rd December included:
- Approval of a motion to increase fees
- Election of Officers and Councillors
- Consideration of a letter from Mr V. E. Bennett regarding the granting of Honorary Membership to the six Founders who have not been given life membership and the creation a six day Membership category.
- A subsequent motion from the floor to grant Life Membership to those six Founders was carried. However, despite this action, the resolution was not enacted as those six Founders were not subsequently recognised as Life Members, perhaps on a point of order regarding the motion not being given prior notice.
- The President then outlined proposed changes to Membership categories which addressed the second question raised in Mr Bennett’s letter. These changes would be considered at the 1982 Annual General Meeting.
- General Business covered various topics, particularly the condition of grass on greens and fairways.
The minutes have been scanned from the hardcopy book covering the period 1967 to 1985 (Item 2023.94).
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
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General Meeting Minutes | 1981 | |
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