ANZAC Club & Buffet invitation to Australian and New Zealand Forces
c. 1916 - 1919Rectangular, cream coloured card with blue printing. The Australian Natives' Association logo appears in the top left - a blue, stippled six pointed star with small solid blue 5 pointed stars in each tip and the letters 'ANA' in the centre, surrounded by a blue circle, touching each of the six star tips.
The name and address appear in the top section of the card, with the invitation and details of the facilities provided below. The reverse of the card is blank.
According to the Australian War Memorial, the Anzac Buffet was established by the London branch of the Australian Natives' Association - an organisation of ex-patriot Australians - and opened in late 1915 to provide free meals and entertainment to Australian and New Zealand servicemen in London.
At that time the bulk of the Australian forces were still in Egypt and Gallipoli and the Buffet would have catered more towards convalescing soldiers from the Gallipoli campaign, and a small number of Australians attached to units in France.
The Anzac Buffet was originally located at 70 Victoria Street, then within two months moved to 130 Horseferry Road. In September 1916, it was relocated to 94 Victoria Street. Ostensibly this was because the original premises were required by military headquarters. However it was felt by some that the military did not want any competition for their newly opened Australian Soldiers' Club located nearby. The Club charged for meals and other comforts, while the Buffet continued to provide free meals and entertainment throughout the war.
The Buffet was open seven days a week and the staff generally fed and entertained 1000 Australian servicemen a day. In addition to serving meals, the Anzac Buffet had billiard, reading and writing, and music rooms as well as a smoking lounge.
The Buffet finally closed its doors for good on the 29th November 1919.
This invitation to ANZAC soldiers was issued after September 1916 when the Buffet had moved to the Victoria Street premises.
Note New Address:
94, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
The Committee of the Australian Natives' Association desire the
pleasure of entertaining all officers and men, sailors and nurses of
the Australian and New Zealand Forces at the Anzac Buffet.
The rooms are open from 7 a.m. daily.
Music Room, Smoking Lounge, Billiards, Reading and Writing Room, and
Australian Newspapers.
Parties are arranged from the Club to visit historical buildings, galleries, etc.
Complimentary tickets are available for leading theatres every day.
Visitors desiring to contribute to the funds may do so through the Secretary
or at the Buffet Maintenance Box."
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