
Diggers Cup Trophy
The trophy is titled:
''The Diggers Cup"
Ex-service mens
Perpetual Trophy
The Diggers Cup Trophy consists of an "olive drab green" coloured steel army helmet, complete with canvas head straps, bolted through a hexagonal shaped plastic column onto a wooden base. The helmet sits at a slight angle to the base as you might imagine it on a service man's head. Research suggests this was a "WWII British Brodie Steel Helmet".
The trophy title and winners' names are engraved onto gold-coloured plaques attached to the sides of the wooden base.
There are some anecdotes surrounding the origins of this trophy. The veracity of these is unsure.
The first is that MGGC's inaugural golf professional, Richard Brain, purportedly purchased a helmet, perhaps several, from an army disposal store as a form of protection from golf balls flying past his head as he was collecting them on the driving range. This was before there was a motorised cart with a cage fitted to complete this task. It is believed that this helmet was used as a part of the construction of the trophy. At the time of writing there were several other helmets of the same variety in the cupboards below the main trophy display cabinet.
The second is that when the trophy was constructed the manufacturer (Crommelins Trophies was the supposed supplier) had extreme difficulty drilling a hole through the top of the steel helmet to pass the bolt through it so it could be mounted on the wooden base.
Trophy photography completed by club member Tom Arnautovic.



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Inscriptions and markings


Public Location
Trophy Cabinet
Melville Glades Golf Club

Melville Glades Golf Club

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Topic Association Dates
Diggers Cup Event with assocations to winners' names 1982 -

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