
Rectangle sheet of white paper, portrait style ink and ink wash black and white life drawing of a male wearing a mask posed as if sitting on a floor. Legs bent in front withleft foot curled back toaward body, right foot flat on ground. Left arm stretched out in front and holding ankle of right leg, right arm bent at elbow with hand resting on left shoulder. Figure facing directly at artist. Figure sitting on a towel and is wearing a mask that covers chin, mouth and nose.
Date written bottom left corner [19-APR-2022]

Historical information

Ink and ink wash still life drawing of a naked male figure by Stephen O'Brien completed on 19 April 2022. In 2022 Western Australia was being impacted by a number of health measures to restrict the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the state.
During February 2022 COVID-19 was slowing spreading through the Western Australian community. State Government mandatory indoor masking and social distancing measures were in place and impacted a everyday life. On 3 March Western Australia opened up to the rest of the country. The wearing of masks remained mandatiry through to 29 April when it was lifted.
The Armadale Life Drawing Group, a part of the Armadale Society of Artists, who Stephen was a member off, met on 19 April 2022 at a hall located at Dale Cottages. All participating artists and the model were required by law to wear a mask when in-doors. This meant the model who normally would be naked was wearing a mask.



Registration number
225 mm
Height or length
261 mm
Statement of significance

This object is part of a collection of items that tells the story of the creativity and ingenuity of members of the local community in relation to art, design and engineering/construction. The collection relates to expressions of creativity that impacted an individual or small group of people to objects that have been enjoyed around the world.

City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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